The 18-room Mfuwe Lodge has a large reception area particularly suited to wandering elephants. Their favourite mango trees are just on the other side of the building and they see no reason why they shouldn’t take the direct route straight through the lodge!
They can be seen approaching, so guests and staff move out of the way behind railings and stay still while the herd troops through. Sometimes the elephants stop and investigate the people or sniff things on the desk, but have never threatened anyone. After all lunch is waiting!
The herd is led by a matriarch and they roam around South Luangwa National Park in Zambia, but when mangos are ripening they smell them from afar and appear like magic to raid the fruit. They favour the Mfuwe Lodge mango trees, although there are plenty in the South Luangwa.
1 Comment
Hehe! This is hilarious! I wish I had seen it! Good on the eles! The first picture is great, love your work Carrie!!